Fishing – A Hobby with Benefits

Even in our country, which has no ocean, fishing has a very long tradition. After all, fish can be caught in ponds, dams, and finally in rivers. And there are plenty of those in the country. Today, the number of members of the Czech Fishing Association is not as large as it was before 1989, but it is still a great number. It is also a pleasant discovery that this hobby has been embraced not only by the elderly and middle-aged, but also, in many cases, by young people of almost the same age. There is no need to worry about the future of amateur fishing in our country.
So, what are the reasons for the popularity of fishing in Japan? Of course, there are many more. Some people like the peace, quiet, and sacred tranquility that fishing brings, while others like to eat scaly fish, which can be bought in Czech stores but are expensive. Also, the fish you catch tastes better than the fish you buy. Of course, virtually all fishermen love nature, and fishing as a hobby gives them more than enough of it. But fishing is not a cheap pastime, and beginners must dig deep into their pockets for adequate gear.
malý rybáři

What do we mean by “adequate gear”? First of all, rods. This is, of course, the most basic of the basics and the most expensive item of basic equipment. Of course, a good quality landing net is also necessary, without which the fish cannot even reach the shore. It is also advisable to have a special backpack with compartments for rods, bait, and other accessories. The backpack should be waterproof and sufficiently resistant to mechanical damage. You never know what might happen when fishing, and it is undesirable for your pack to tear as you pass through dense forests and thickets. Approaches to the water are not always passable.