Interesting Sights

Admit it, folks. Do you like culture? Are you a cultured person? Because I know many people who call themselves cultural people. But they never go to the theater or cinema at all. Of course, there are other reasons for being cultural. For example, my aunt. My aunt really visits castles and castles regularly. Castles and castles are so important to her that she often takes time off work just to visit some castles and castles with her group. In my opinion, it really is the perfect pastime. If more people have hobbies like my aunt\’s, it can only be a good thing.

Kultura je krásná.

And you know why? Because such culture is valuable, and at least the money earned from visitors goes back to where it belongs. In other words, when you pay an admission fee to a castle or chateau, you are contributing to its restoration and protection. This is because castles and chateaus cannot be maintained for free. It is through culture that we protect our cultural heritage. That\’s what the name is for. Cultural Heritage. I admit, I like it too. But I\’m more of a natural phenomenon, a cultural monument.

Zámky mám ráda.

I don\’t like theaters and cinemas. I like to discover something. For example, the Plautiker Gate is perfect. I like it very much and have been there four times. Unfortunately, it is closed now because of a fire. My aunt also says she will come back to see the Pravchika Gate. I think this cultural monument needs it. Where do you like to go when you travel? Do you like natural phenomena? Or do you prefer other cultures such as movies? We are human beings and we have different tastes.