Rubik’s Cube

People seek out different games and other hobbies to relax and feel better. I also know several people who play various games or do them competitively, for example, but they are mostly different sporting activities. For example, a friend of mine played soccer competitively. Yes, that\’s right. My friend used to play soccer and played competitively. She was really good, almost top level. Then, if she hadn\’t fallen in love or gotten pregnant early, she would have been playing at a really top level, probably in some world-class group of female soccer players. Let\’s get back to the match.

Syn má rád hlavolamy.

I have a three-year-old son who is really very playful and curious. If I could measure IQ, my son\’s IQ would be very high, but if I were to focus more on games, he would be more interested in different puzzles, like Rubik\’s Cube or hedgehog in a cage. For example, has anyone ever thrown a Rubik\’s Cube and someone else tried to assemble it? And have you ever heard of someone assembling an entire Rubik\’s Cube in 3 seconds? I would never be able to do that. I don\’t know how anyone could do that. Not in half a day, not in a year.

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I have absolutely no brain cells to do this and I don\’t even know how to play. Of course, games develop children\’s brains. Of course, once they are in their 20s or so, they don\’t need to develop their brains. That\’s why it\’s best to have young children and give them educational games and educational toys. My son loved puzzles too. Now my son is 5 years old and he also loves puzzles. He likes to play with puzzles and he likes to put puzzles together, so sometimes we put puzzles together as a family.