Love and Children

What do you think of when you think of love? Many people think that love is mainly only between a man and a woman, but that is a big mistake; there is also parent-child love, friend love, and maternal love. If I were to think about what I really think is the best love, the most certain love, I think it would be maternal love, because I am a mother. This is because I am a mother. I only have one child who is seven years old, but the love of a mother is really strong.

Mateřská láska je u mě na prvním místě.

If it weren\’t for my beloved son, I really wouldn\’t know what to do anymore. I am so used to my son that it hurts. Maybe it\’s because I\’m alone with my son and we\’re always together. He doesn\’t have many friends, so I think a mother\’s love is really important. Maybe it\’s the monkey love that always protects my son and wants to be with him. I paint, travel, play sports, and do everything with my son. I think my son is almost like me already.

Dítě miluji nade vše.

If you have children and know what a mother\’s love is like, I think you would agree that it is stronger than the love of a partner or any other love. I would be disappointed if I could not have any more children because I would want to have another child. I have been wanting to have a child for 3 years now but unfortunately I do not have a partner that I can have a child with and feel the love of a second mother. I don\’t know about you, but it takes me a very long time to fall in love with a man. I don\’t know what is causing it, but maybe it\’s because I have been through two painful breakups and two aggressive partners that my soul and heart won\’t allow me to fall in love so easily anymore. We\’ll see what happens this year. According to my horoscope, this is my lucky year.