Entries under Games

This was the seventh and final Tekken title.

The video game was released by Namco Bandai for Sony1995 – 1 – The first game featured eight playable characterswere introduced, each with “sub-boss” opponents, stages, and themes to compete in the Tekken Tournament. Each character has their own version of the finale. The main storyline focuses on the Mishima clan. This storyline continues in […]

Children’s Play and Modern Society

Those born before the 1990s know and fondly remember childhood games that are quite different from those. Those who belong to this generation will surely remember such childhood games as sugar coffee lemonade, hide-and-seek, dodgeball, playing policeman, and playing thief. It was also one of the classic childhood pastimes, such as gum-playing and poppycock. However, […]

Gaming and Addiction

When such addiction actually occurs is a matter of speculation. Scientists and doctors are at odds, and research on this issue has swallowed up a considerable amount of taxpayer money. If you think you should know this for yourself, you are dead wrong. Even if he or she recognizes and admits this, he or she […]

Rubik’s Cube

People seek out different games and other hobbies to relax and feel better. I also know several people who play various games or do them competitively, for example, but they are mostly different sporting activities. For example, a friend of mine played soccer competitively. Yes, that\’s right. My friend used to play soccer and played […]

Family Day

It\’s so common, but it\’s been ignored for a long time somewhere. Parents have no time for anything, so they are happy when their children look at their phones. Yes, they are, literally. I myself witnessed my family going on a trip, and after entering the coupe, everyone pulled out their phones and devoted themselves […]

Children get excited

Most of today\’s children are not fully aware of the games our parents use to play. Today they are primarily interested in games that are at least somehow connected with modern technology. If you look out the window in the afternoon or on the weekend, you can see only the orphan\’s playground. Children can not […]

Star Trek Timelines – Space Adventure right on your mobile

Fans of the popular phenomenon of space travel to the unknown in the Star Trek universe will certainly appreciate the opportunity to play captain of their own starship on the computer. There are many games on this theme, but most of them are outdated and have graphical options that perfectly portray the skills of programmers […]

Board games for more demanding players

Board games are great for the whole family or for playing with friends. There are many types of board games, including simple games like Don\’t Be Angry, team games like Party Alias, and more complex games like Dragon\’s Den. If you are one of those discerning board game enthusiasts, you definitely need to try one […]

Kudé Giscat Harry Zadarmo?

Hernísvět se rok od roku stává silnějčím. Do we want to do something for you? Dííve nebvalvalo tak bžžné,že mladý človkk nebo dokonce starší hrál nějaké hry v takovém rozsahu jako je吐 dnes. Dokonce se i hodněen a dívek dostává posledníchněkolik let do herního světa. Společnost Sony, která vyrábí herní konzole potvrdila,že pom pomr muž、,žen,kteーí […]