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Doprava: Nejoblíběnějěíje asileteckádoprava(pohodlí,rychlost a to větěinou i za dobrépeníze). In this situation, we were able to find out what was going on in our lives. Take je dobré nakupovat přímo u leteckých společností.U cestování autobusem,vlakem,autem,či stopem vttšinou šetííme peníze na úkor pohodlí,takže záleží nam preferujeme,ale na druhou stranu prožijeme vttšídobrodružstvínež v letadlech! Ubytování: Podobně,jako hledámenejlevnějčíletenky,hledámeivhodnáubytování. […]

How to find the right person

You don\’t have to pretend in front of him/her Your partner will accept you as you are. It is not necessary to pretend in front of him. He likes your differences, interests, and things that he may not like a little, so tolerate. He takes you as a whole personality with all the positive and […]

Whereabouts of Computing

The use of remote control of cars, using the driver\’s emotions to match their driving style, is not a new phenomenon. Italian automaker Ferrari was the first to make this discovery. In short, computers can now predict the behavior of the person behind the wheel and prevent imminent danger, especially in stressful situations such as […]

Cellulite, how to fight it off?

From the beginning, it should be emphasized that it is a subcutaneous fat structure. While it is primarily women who suffer from this problem, men can also have cellulite. Cellulite is visible in the form of bumpy skin – dimples – and is sometimes a more or less aesthetic phenomenon. It is also called “orange […]

How much randomness is there in the game?

Imagine a father, a chess grandmaster with an IQ of 158, playing “man” with his 3-year-old son. Who would win? For the sake of argument, assume that the father does not let his son win and that the son also knows the rules of the game. You would say that the father is likely to […]

Staying in a relationship

The first weeks and months of a relationship are truly wonderful. The long walks, the late night chats, the constant displays of affection. When this initial infatuation cools, we often become sad and wonder if our partner still loves us. In most cases, there is nothing to worry about. It does not mean that our […]

Outside my house

If you live in a family home in the country or outside the city center, the chances of spiders in your home are even greater. How can I explain to these undesirable 8-legged tenants that the maximum eye for tolerating an animal as a pet is 2? Let\’s look at some eco-friendly and inexpensive solutions. […]

Absinthe as a Source of Artistic Inspiration

Alcohol and drugs have always been a source of inspiration for artists. Their genius was often nurtured by the vice of addiction, but their personalities slowly but surely disintegrated. In the 19th century, it was primarily absinthe that both inspired and destroyed. Absinthe is a hard green alcoholic beverage made from wormwood, aniseed, and wychweed. […]

This is not

Recently, the Internet has brought information about how great our Constitutional Court is – in my opinion, rather “great” – and it has brought information about how great our Constitutional Court is. And this is not the only one. As noted in an internet post, there are people who have borrowed from non-bank loan providers […]

Saving the family budget

Where to take and not steal? This is a question that bothers many. Sometimes we make the same mistakes again and again and don\’t realize we\’re in a vicious circle. The most common mistake that families make is not knowing exactly how much they spend each month. Something here and there, it will eventually give […]