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Travel with a dog

If a person decides to travel with a dog, he must take into account the restrictions that allow him to meet the person along the way. An example is accommodation. Not all hotels have such people that tourists do not care if they bring their dogs. Therefore, if you decide to travel with a pet, […]

Relaxujme na cestách

Starosti a stres se nevyhībají nikomu z nás. Mnohdy nás přemíra problémě a stresu měe dohnat aě k depresím. Abychom těmto problémům předešli,měli bychom se snažit relaxovat. Zkuste si třeba udělat vělet právě na místa,kde se relaxování samo nabízí. Věte,še takověch míst najdete v načí republicice dost. Mšete vyrazit s celou rodinou a je pouze […]

Real Love

I was looking forward to writing another article on love. Love is a pretty important subject for me. Is it for you? For me, yes. I can talk about love. Love is a beautiful thing. Especially when you feel it, you stop worrying about anything. Once you are jealous, they say, that is when you […]

Guiding Children to a Better Future

financial literacyAlthough most Czech citizens are not illiterate in the full sense of the word, the combination of the words financial literacy (and by extension illiteracy) is currently a rather hot topic in our country. It is often mentioned in connection with the repayment of loans and debts that grown adults have taken on for […]

A woman who pushed science forward

Marie Curie-Sklodowska\’s exceptionalism was already evident from her student days, when she had a strong interest in the study of physics and chemistry; for the late 19th century, this was incomprehensible to many people; she was a woman of great talent and great influence. She was fluent in four languages: Russian, French, German, and English. […]

Do you know the fairy Haju?

Do you have a transistor radio at home? Only the old-timers would be able to answer this question. 7] Just as today\’s youth cannot imagine life without tablets, in the past they could not imagine life without transistor radios. o Nowadays, young people carry their tablets everywhere. o I used to take my transistor everywhere. […]