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Slovakia\’s neighbor recently elected a female president. Zuzana Csaptover became president. Despite the fact that today women are undoubtedly very emancipated and successful, their participation in high-level politics is not very common and has always been the subject of questioning. One of them is: what does it bring us?There is no doubt that Zuzana Chaputová […]

Where and how to meet

There are tons of articles, videos, books, and advice on how to meet people. What to do, what not to do, what to say, what not to say, where to date, where not to date… The best value is being authentic, not playing games, and being yourself. Only by doing so will you stand a […]

Love doesn’t have to be easy

If love does not need to be easy, it is in love. Many people think that love is all about beauty, but it is not. It does not have to be all beautiful in love. There may be times when things are not what you imagined. But I believe that when you get through those […]

Love doesn’t have to be easy

If love does not need to be easy, it is in love. Many people think that love is all about beauty, but it is not. It does not have to be all beautiful in love. There may be times when things are not what you imagined. But I believe that when you get through those […]

Put yourself in the shoes of the character you are playing!

Computer games keep evolving and becoming more and more amazing effects, but the story lines are not necessarily better than older games. It is very unfortunate that older games are not often remade with cleaner designs, i.e., better graphics, than they have now. The “Tomb Raider” series is a classic. The new games in that […]

Fishing – A Hobby with Benefits

Even in our country, which has no ocean, fishing has a very long tradition. After all, fish can be caught in ponds, dams, and finally in rivers. And there are plenty of those in the country. Today, the number of members of the Czech Fishing Association is not as large as it was before 1989, […]

Fireplaces and Barbecues

–Garden fireplaces – In 2019, the best-selling type of fireplace is the concrete garden fireplace with a distinctly traditional design. The combination of a stainless steel fireplace roof, polished granite in front of the fireplace, and a matte black worktop is attracting attention. It is easy to maintain and comes with a variety of accessories, […]

Fireplaces and Barbecues

–Garden fireplaces – In 2019, the best-selling type of fireplace is the concrete garden fireplace with a distinctly traditional design. The combination of a stainless steel fireplace roof, polished granite in front of the fireplace, and a matte black worktop is attracting attention. It is easy to maintain and comes with a variety of accessories, […]

Places You Shouldn’t Travel

It may seem that today we can travel wherever we want. However, if you really think about it, you will see that this is not the case. Sure, we have a variety of destinations to choose from, but not all travel is possible. Take me, for example. Because that\’s where I want to go. You […]

Places You Shouldn’t Travel

It may seem that today we can travel wherever we want. However, if you really think about it, you will see that this is not the case. Sure, we have a variety of destinations to choose from, but not all travel is possible. Take me, for example. Because that\’s where I want to go. You […]