Zamilovat se i někoho znamená vždycky jenom tžžko popsateln p pííjemn p pocit. Láska je totiž práv n ncoco takového,je vzplanutí,které práv tak takové sladké pocity pinináší. Ten,kdo se do někoho zamiluje,chodí jako ve snách,nedokáče sečasto na nic soustěedit a myslí snad jenom na objekt takové svélásky. A nejlepší je láska opětovaná,tedy ta,u které člověk […]
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Love begins in childhood
Love is the most important and powerful emotion in human life. All evil can only be overcome by love, but it is an exhausting journey. Love begins as a ray of emotion placed in our hearts by the One who conceives, gives birth, and nurtures us. As young children, we have no control over the […]
There are some things we can’t say publicly about our relationships with our partners
People often confide things that are too intimate or too frequent. or that no one else needs to know.Moreover, partners who talk too often and too openly about their relationship often seem to pay the price . Some information should only be shared with close friends or people you really trust. It should never be […]
What to plant on what?
Few people realize it, but coexistence of plants is similar to coexistence of people. Neighborly relations are good and there is satisfaction on both sides. Otherwise, the weaker plant will die. Thus, we need to be aware of which species goes with which and arrange our flower beds so that there is no mismatch. A […]
How to Really Learn a Foreign Language
Some people encounter a foreign language once in their lifetime, on vacation, while others speak it several times a day. Of course, there are great differences in level, and not everyone is equally gifted in a language. However, the basics of a foreign language can be learned by anyone. 1. Motivation 2. Motivation, or the […]
Don’t let childhood rebellion fool you
. Young Protestants usually fall into the 1-6 year old age category. The greatest conflict, however, occurs around age 3, when children begin to test where their limits are and where their options extend with respect to their parents and the environment in general. This is the situation in which the little tantrummer responds to […]
Hats as timeless classics
Hats seem to all of us today as a fashion accessory, mostly women, who have lost almost their former glory during their long history when they filled the wardrobes of everyone moving in a cultural society. But this is just a fantasy, because hats, already as part of traditional clothing, newly intensively enter the fashion […]
Kultura,mé dーti
Máte rádi kulturu anebo chodíte za kulturou? Co si o tom myslíte? Znám některé lidi,kte sií si myslí,že když chodík kulturou,že vlastn bud budou mít vttší rozhled,že tam také mohou potkat několik páátel anebo se seznámit s více lidmi. A já jako extrovert,také hodn. vtipn. člov.k,tedy alespo. takhle se o mn mnííká tak ráda chodímk […]
Music of Ancient Rome
In its early years, Roman culture absorbed inspiration from Hellenistic Greece. Later, as its sphere of influence expanded (under the Empire), it began to draw from other cultures as well. As a result, the Roman Empire was able to unify its vast territory and develop under its patronage in ways that the separate cultures of […]